印尼载有70名佛教徒的渡轮沉没 船上人员全部获救 0 佛教在线海外讯 据《雅加达邮报》报道,2009年5月9日,印尼一艘载有70名要去参加卫赛节庆祝活动佛教徒的渡轮,在离开Panipahan港半小时后沉没,船上人员在Panipahan水域被人发现并全部获救。 CYn}wkz YpKai3 B 5月10日,印尼海军指挥官称,此次事故的主要原因是超载所致。据悉,事发当天,这艘只能装载40至45名乘客的渡轮载有70名乘客。渡轮可能是由于波涛太猛,撞到当地渔民的渔网杆,导致沉没。所幸船上人员穿有救生衣,并在当地渔民的帮助下全部获救。事故的具体原因,警察还在调查中。(编译:子规) <+$S{Z. &*yve}su ZbrE m Around 70 Buddhists whose ferry capsized late Saturday before they were due to celebrate Waisak, were found alive in Panipahan waters, Riau. b>7ts_b GawO>7w8 According to a naval officer in Pekanbaru, the ferry was thought to have capsized due to overloading. Ue8D:CM 3>(`Y "The ferry that sank was full of people and it capsized around half an hour after it set sail from Panipahan Port," Mufit told kompas.com on Sunday. _@p|A *Qf}4a0 He added the boat, meant to only carry 40-45 passengers, was carrying a total of 70 passengers. {+[gf:Ev *Vc=]Z2G^ He said all the passengers were saved because they were wearing life vests and were helped by fishermen in the area. @TprSd \k,bz0 High waves are thought to have also been a factor in the accident. C\; 8l}t h0eo:Ahi "We assume the ship sank after hitting one of the fishing net poles belonging to local fishermen," Mufit said, adding the police were currently investigating the case. (amr) sXa8(xc y2U:( H:l! b910Z?B^L |pgkl` -,;Ep' 编辑:子规 OZ" <V^"`